- 那扇门半开着。The door was/stood ajar.
- 那扇门半开着.The door was/stood ajar.
- 那扇门开着。The door stood open.
- 门半开着。The door stood ajar.
- 左侧有一扇门半掩着。A door to the left stood ajar.
- 那扇门用橡树板装饰。The door was paneled in oak.
- 让门半开着Left the door ajar.
- 他把枪对准那扇门。He aimed the gun at the door.
- 我让门半开着。I'll leave the door ajar.
- 那扇门很快会在合页处损坏。That door can damage in the hinge very fast.
- 他合上半开着的书。He closed the half-open book.
- 那扇门通向花园。That door leads into the garden.
- 门半开半掩。The door stood ajar.
- 关上那扇该死的门!Shut the blinking door!
- 新主人的营地.随便而邋遢,帐篷半开着,盘子没有洗the new owners' camp . . . a slipshod and slovenly affair, tent half stretched, dishes unwashed
- 那扇门触地。The door drags.
- 用砖块撑门使其开着。Prop the door open with a brick.
- 他试图推开那扇沉重的门。He tried to push the heavy door open.
- 那扇门砰的一声关上。The door slammed shut.
- 他把门开着。He left the door open.