- 那倒也是。碰上那种喜欢嚼舌头的人,最好不和他们说话。Sometimes giving someone the silent treatment is a good idea, though. There are a couple of people I avoid talking to because I know that they like to gossip. LH
- "他虽没这造化,倒也是娇生惯养的呢,我姨爹姨娘的宝贝.""She may not have your luck but she's her parents' darling, the apple of their eye. "
- 那which
- 如果那样,那倒也能算是对于美国这几年来慷慨赠予这个政府的大量粮食和药品的一种理所应该的报偿。That would have been a decent return for the food and medical supplies America has lavished on this government for years.
- 我们下雨天没出去倒也是好事.It's just as well that we didn't go out in this rain.
- 如果这都是我干的,”獾淡淡地说,“那倒真是令人惊讶。It WOULD be astonishing indeed,’ said the Badger simply,‘ if I HAD done it.
- 那倒也是。这座建筑的造型有点像船啊?This structure looks a bit like a boat?
- 倒也是,英国人确实是用儿童车推着孩子到处走,一直到他们长得老大老大的。Indeed the English did wheel their children around until they were immense.
- 离开德国!哎呀!那倒不坏!Out of Germany! Cripes! That was none so dusty!
- 如果读者群里有那么一批打抱不平的愤愤者,倒也罢了。If the readers are the ones who are agitated and disappointed, well, let me say the Nobel Prize is not the World Cup.
- 并且可说,那受十分之一的利未,也是藉着亚伯拉罕纳了十分之一。And as I may so say, Levi also, who receiveth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.
- 但那倒嚼、分蹄之中不可吃的、是骆驼、为倒嚼不分蹄、与你们不洁净。You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud.
- 没错。那倒是真的。也许只有伟大的奇妙的奥兹国魔法师本人才会知道。No. That's true. The only person who might know would be the great and wonderful Wizard of OZ himself.
- 我们从来就不听那一套,你们也是不听那一套的。We never listen to such stuff. Nor do you.
- 三妹,你还有点东西,我是什么都没有,走个光身,倒也干脆,哈哈!Third Sister, you still have some things, but I have nothing.Being empty-handed is more clean-cut, ha, ha!
- 那薛老大也是"吃着碗里看着锅里"的"Xue Pan is another of those greedy-guts who keep""one eye on the bowl and the other on the pan."
- 要是他们还没有化干戈为玉帛,那倒是一件怪事呢。It would have been strange if they had not come to an amicable agreement
- 汤是冷的,除此之外,那一餐倒也不错。The soup was cold,but otherwise the meal was good.
- 对,邮局寄的信和电子邮件相比真是要慢多了。叫它“蜗牛信”倒也挺形象的。M: Well, ever since e-mail became popular, people have used "snail mail" to talk about paper mail, because it is slower than e-mail.
- 我不管怎样说,那两个也是不买帐的。Those two are not amenable to anything I can say.