- 那些房子不是我们的.Those houses are not ours.
- 我们的房子不是自己的,是向盖伊先生租的。We do not own our house ,we rent it from Mr. Gay .
- 当时的当务之急是我们的事业可不是为我们的汽车进行广告宣传。It was time to advertise our cause instead of our cars.
- 不是(n) blame or fault
- 决定我们是什么样的人的不是我们的能力而是我们的选择!It's not our abilities to show that we truly are but our choice!
- 维修这幢大房子不是她能负担得起的The upkeep of the large house be more than she can afford
- 要是我们听信那些悲观者的论调,那工程就永远不可能上马。If we had listened to the prophets of doom, we would never have started the project.
- 那样做实在很粗野,不是我们的读者所应为。That is indeed boorish and not the behaviour of our readers.
- 我们的客户都是经营专业产品,而不是那些大批出售给批发商的产品的。Our client is all for speciality product,not the kind of thing to sell in bulk to wholesaler.
- 鲍勃和婉地说,“这是他的房子,不是我们的。”Bob said mildly "it's his house, not ours."
- 我们认为尽我们最大努力在全国保护环境不受污染是我们的责任。We think it our duty to try as much as we can to protect the environment from being polluted throughout the country.
- 那样的房子不是我们这号人买得起的。A house like that is out of our league(= too expensive for us).
- 不是为我们而办,但明年就是我们的了!This is not our day, but nevermind, next year will be ours!
- 陈冠希,你不是失败者,你是我们的英雄。Edison, you are Not Loser and you are a Hero.
- 尽管是一艘大船它也有沉没的一天,不会沉没的将是我们的友谊之船!Although it was a big ship but it sunk. So the best ship is still my friendship!
- 不是很深,我有点担心我们的友谊经不起距离。所有这些那些,搞到我很烦。But don't get me wrong; I am not saying that you give me the trouble.
- 要不是我们找屋顶工人不好找,这房子此时就可以完工了。The house would be finished by now, save that we had difficulty contracting a roofer.
- 我们可以不同意他们的政见,但是我们应该记住他们是我们的至亲好友。We may not agree with their politics, but we should remember that they are our kith and kin.
- 外在的美丽和不利的情况都不是我们本人,那些都不是我们,只是我们穿的衣服罢了。Not even the outer beauty or the outer disadvantage is us. They are not us. They are just the clothes we wear.
- 我们的四个现代化的概念,不是像你们那样的现代化的概念,而是“小康之家”。Our concept of the four modernizations is different from yours.By achieving the four modernizations,we mean achieving a comparative prosperity.