- 那些人被控扰乱治安.The men were charged with causing an affray.
- 那些人被控扰乱治安。The men were charged with causing an affray.
- 那三个示威者因扰乱治安而每人被罚50美元。The three demonstrators were fined 50 dollars each for breach of the peace.
- 他被控下令派遣小组到全国各地狙杀反对派领袖,共有七十五人被暗杀。He was accused of dispatching a squad to carry out summary executions of opposition leaders in various parts of the country. A total of 75 people were assassinated.
- 那些those
- 他们因扰乱治安而被逮捕。They were arrested for breaking the peace.
- 那些人只会满口大话,要改变现状时他们便无能为力了。Those people can huff and puff but they are powerless the way things are.
- 被控犯有诈骗罪be under indictment for fraud
- 他杀害的那些人都是遭他疯狂枪杀的.His victims were all shot down in cold blood.
- [法] 扰乱治安罪breach of the peace
- 那些人开始扔石子了。在这危急之时,警察来了。The people began to throw stones. At this juncture the police arrived.
- 他的罪名是扰乱治安。He was charged with disturbing the public peace.
- 感染到这种传染病的人被隔离起来。Sufferers from the infectious disease are isolated.
- 这三兄弟不久就从抓住他们的那些人手中逃走了。The three brothers soon escaped from their captors.
- 警察指控他为扰乱治安者。The police indicted him as a rioter.
- 数百人被困在飞机没有触及的楼层。Hundreds were trapped on floors untouched by the airplanes.
- 他毫不犹豫地利用受他控制的那些人。He was quick to exploit those who fell under his sway.
- 那个男人被控冒充官员。The man was accused of impersonating a officer.
- 警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。Those young men were charged by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood.
- 那个意欲行凶的人被置于严密监视下。The would-be murderer was kept under close watch.