- "他虽没这造化,倒也是娇生惯养的呢,我姨爹姨娘的宝贝.""She may not have your luck but she's her parents' darling, the apple of their eye. "
- 那么说来,价格上还有商量的余地吗?A: In that case, is there still room to negotiate on the price?
- “那么说来,您和腾格拉尔男爵一直互相来往啦?”"You are in constant communication with the Baron Danglars?"
- 倒也是,英国人确实是用儿童车推着孩子到处走,一直到他们长得老大老大的。Indeed the English did wheel their children around until they were immense.
- 我们下雨天没出去倒也是好事.It's just as well that we didn't go out in this rain.
- 学习英语就象建房子,打下扎实的基础是最基本也是最重要的一步。Learning English is like building a house, laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
- 我想这也是为什么政府那么重视一年一度华族文化节的原因。This explains why the government strongly supports the annual Chinese Cultural Festival.
- 如果读者群里有那么一批打抱不平的愤愤者,倒也罢了。If the readers are the ones who are agitated and disappointed, well, let me say the Nobel Prize is not the World Cup.
- 他是我们的朋友并且也是我们的领袖。He is our friend and likewise our leader.
- 她的行为最好说来也是轻率的。her behavor was indiscreet at the very best.
- 是啊,我也是那么想过。Yeah, that thought did cross my mind.
- “嗯,嗯,”他说,“看来昏君倒也从圣上那儿学到了速断速决的方法了。"Come, come," said he, "will the Restoration adopt imperial methods so promptly?
- 熟练使用文字的练习对于自然科学的研究也是有帮助的。Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillaryto the study of natural science.
- 每次我去看乔斯大夫,他总是给我一些红的和黄的药片,可它们倒也管用。"When I go to see Dr. Jose, he always gives me red and yellow pills, and they usually do the trick."
- 对于环绕地球运动的卫星来说,面积定律也是不完善的。For satellites circling the earth, the law of areas is also imperfect.
- 美国一百七十四年以前的反英革命,也是由于人口太多吗?Was the American Revolution against Britain 174 years ago also due to overpopulation?
- 他们敬拜我也是徒然,因为他们将人的吩咐当作教训教导人。But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commandments of men.
- 如果读者群里有那么一批打抱不平的愤愤者,倒也罢了。 但“诺贝尔文学奖”不是“世界杯”,要不得为它发狂。If the readers are the ones who are agitated and disappointed, well, let me say the Nobel Prize is not the World Cup. There is no need to be crazy over it.