- 那个男孩十岁.The boy was aged ten
- 那个男孩十岁。The boy was aged ten.
- 那个男孩大约有十岁。That boy is about ten years old.
- 那个男孩会做晶体收音机。The boy can make crystal sets.
- 那个男孩跨坐于围墙上。The boy sat straddling the fence.
- 那个男孩从窗口跳下去。The boy took a leap from the window.
- 我见到她那个十岁的儿子。I met her son aged 10.
- 那个男孩在浴盆泼水。The boy splashed in the tub.
- 那个男孩用调皮的眼光看着我。The boy looked at me with eyes full of mischief.
- 那个男孩大口大口地吃完了一个蛋卷冰淇淋。The boy gobbled up an ice-cream cone.
- 那个男孩踢了一下他的棼骨。The boy gave him a kick in the shin.
- 封那个男孩没办法。That boy is a handful.
- 那个男孩正在爬杆。That boy is swarming up a pole.
- 你喜欢那个男孩吗?Do you fancy that boy?
- 那个男孩太羞怯,不敢请她一起跳舞。The boy was too bashful to ask her to dance.
- 那个男孩差一点被淹死。The boy narrowly escaped being drowned.
- 那个男孩需要多吃营养的食物。The boy needs feeding up.
- 他威胁要用手杖打那个男孩。He offered to strike the boy with his cane.
- 那个男孩让小树枝弹回去。The boy let the twig spring back.
- 他救不活那个男孩。He won't succeed in saving that boy's life.