- 运输车transport trolley
- 他们在设计道路系统。They are devising a road system.
- 下雨之后道路很滑。The road was slippery after the rain.
- 他们踩着泥泞的道路行进。They slopped along the muddy road.
- 军队征用了所有卡车,目的是为了运输车需品。The army requisition all the truck to carry supplies.
- 车祸使道路堵塞了好几个小时。The crash obstructed the road for several hours.
- 运输车厂transport depot
- 那个国家走了一条中间道路。The country steered a middle course.
- 道路因油而滑溜溜的。The roads were slick with oil.
- 雨后道路很滑。Rain slicked the roads.
- 在两条道路的交叉点发生了一起事故。An accident happened at the meeting of two roads.
- 他的访问为达成协议铺平了道路。His visit paved the way for an agreement.
- 她把车开离了道路。She ran the car off the road.
- 我们的祖先曾经走过这同一条道路。Our ancestors trod this same path.
- 一场暴雨使道路无法通行。The rainstorm has made the road impassable.
- 警察已经封锁了道路。The police have blocked the road.
- 道路两旁柳树成行。The road was fringed with willows.
- 洪水冲坏了道路。The flood washed out the road.
- 一个道路网从镇中心向四面八方伸展出去。A system of roads radiates from the town center.
- 道路向西弯。The road curves to the west.