- 锋point or edge of a tool
- 哲philosophy
- 道奇[美Dodge [America]
- 道奇队以5比0胜红袜队。The Dodgers shut out the Reds 5-0 in last night's game.
- 气候锋climatological front
- 看样子道奇队输定了。a Dodgers' defeat seemed inevitable.
- 本哲量intrinsic energy
- 尊敬的查尔斯 道奇森牧师the Reverend Charles Dodgson
- 北极锋Arctic front
- 哲罗鱼taimen
- 被动锋passive front
- 探索菲尔普斯道奇经验!Explore the Phelps Dodge experience!
- 西方哲Western Philosophy
- 善良的上帝,请给乖乖狗道奇好分数。Good God, give good dog, Dodge, good grades.
- 胞体-树突锋电位soma-dendritic spike
- 哲单20Zhedan20
- 有人看到这个艾德蒙.道奇闯入那间住宅The saying Edmund Dodge was saw breaking into the house
- 波锋法wave-front method
- 哲罗鲑Hucho taimen
- 侧锋oblique attack (brush movement in painting)