- 道method
- 懒惰人说,道上有猛狮,街上有壮狮。The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.
- 两艘战舰一直停在离岸不远的地方,成为对岛上人的无声威胁。Two battle ships were kept standing off as a silent threat to the island people.
- 我们把车道上的坑填没了。We filled the hollow in the drive.
- 人类的文明与对动物的保护--中国历史上人与动物的关系Human Civilization and Animal Protection--the Relation Between Human and Animal in China History
- 投球区域投球手在传球时利用的传球道上犯规线以后的部分区域The part of the area behind the foul line in a bowling alley used by a bowler in delivering the ball.
- “人上人”hierarchy
- 一小队人马在堤道上急急地赶路。A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.
- 你认为什么时候滑雪坡上人会少一些?When do you think the slopes might be less crowded?
- 他决心和我们一道上前线。He resolved on going to the front with us.
- 不吃苦中苦,难为人上人。Don't bear suffering medium bitterness, difficult person of the behavior.
- 她向窗外望去,看见邮递员正从小道上过来She looked out of the window and saw the postman coming up the path
- 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。You've got to suffer a little to be successful.
- 注意!道上有急转弯!Look out for the sharp bend on the road!
- 越南的上人问题及其影响The Nguoi Thuong Issue in Vietnam and Its Impact
- 你最喜欢在草地上跑呢,还是在沙道上跑?Do you like running on grass or on a sandy track best?
- 磨石-社会上人与人之间彼此的交流。Millstones - The mutual converse of human society.
- 道上棘spina suprameatalis
- 安全设计:产品测试上人的因数Designing for Safety: Human Factors in Product Testing: Human Factors in Product Testing
- 道上的[医] suprameatal