- 师父开示让灵性之光遍照寰宇Master Says Let the Light of Spirituality Illuminate the Universe
- 月儿把她的光明遍照在天上,却留着她的黑斑给她自己。The moon has her light all over the sky, her dark spots to herself.
- 照photograph
- 让灵性之光遍照寰宇-师父开示-清海无上师新闻杂志第148期Let the Light of Spirituality Illuminate the Universe - Master Says - The Supreme Master Ching Hai eNews Magazine No. 148
- 像头脑中开了一窍,无量性光如射灯般透过间隙,遍照无明。那一窍甚至不是光。它只是个间隙。It is as if an opening in the mind through which the mind is flooded with light. The opening is not even the light. It is just an opening.
- 裸照nude
- 你喜欢变形金刚?Do you enjoy transformer?
- 照门aperture
- 变形金刚比玩具火车贵得多。The transformer is more expensive than the toy train.
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- 金刚锥diamond drill
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- 如果你愿意写这篇文章,我将审阅一遍并帮你修改一下。If you will write the article, I will go over it and touch it up for you.
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