- 遍地野草丛生.The weeds grew in wanton profusion.
- 花园里野草丛生。The garden is grown with weeds.
- 遍地野草丛生。The weeds grew in wanton profusion.
- 花园里野草丛生,什么也长不出来。The weeds choked the garden.
- 野草丛生to be overgrown with weeds
- 遍地(n) everywhere
- 野草丛生的花园a weedy garden
- 院子里野草丛生。Weeds grass grow in the yard.
- 海边遍地是贝壳。The sea shells are strewn in profusion along the shore.
- 我们的园子里鲜花遍地。Our garden is well paved with flowers.
- 废弃的农舍那野草丛生的院落。weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse.
- 遍地车辙rutty
- 遍地打滚tumble and toss
- 禾本科一个多年丛生禾草属。a genus of tufted perennial grasses of the family Gramineae.
- 遍地皆是thick on the ground
- 庭院长满浓密的野草。A thick growth of weeds covered the yard.
- 我们在一个灌木丛生的丘陵上找到这动物。We found the animal on a scrub hill.
- 遍地草丛的hassocky
- 抑制野草生长suppress weeds
- 灌木很像树,但小得多,且岔枝丛生。Shrubs are much like trees, but are smaller and more profusely branched.