- 遇火警时立即按警铃.In case of fire, ring the alarm bell.
- 要是那样,你就不光使锅着火,你还会把房子烧起来。遇火警时立即按警铃。In that case, you wouldn't have a pan on fire. You'd have a house on fire!
- 时hour
- 当时间到了你输入的时间时立即按ENT按钮,内部的计时开始。Press ENT button immediately when your standard time tells the entered time. The built-in timer starts.
- 遇火警时,严禁使用此电梯Do not use this lift as a means of escape in the event of fire
- 遇火警时请勿使用升降机。Do not use the elevator in case of fire.
- 你看到红灯,就立即按这个按钮。Press this button as soon as you see thee red light on.
- 当人们听到火警时都涌出大楼。The people poured out of their building when they heard the fire alarm.
- 按顺序according to priority
- 遇上meet
- 按计划on schedule
- 到时arrival time
- 按日by the day
- 只供火警时用!For use only in case of fire!
- 当一开机立即按导航键左(写新短信息),电话不会立即重启。When pressing navigation key left (write new SMS) immediately after phone boot-up, phone no longer resets.
- 几时what time; when
- 按月monthly
- 报时give the correct time
- 按喇叭honk the horn
- 火警警铃fire bell