- 达沃Davao
- 逸出transgression
- 符拉迪沃斯托克Vladivostok
- 逸脱vagus escape
- 她风姿秀逸。She moved with grace.
- 沃尔什逼近Walsh approximation
- 煤气正从管中逸出。Gas is escaping from the pipe.
- 沃rich
- 以逸代劳commute comfort for hardship
- 安纳沃尔聚酯纤维Anavor
- 逸散dissipation
- 巴待沃思滤波器Butterworth filter
- 恬逸自满self-satisfied with quietness and indolence
- 沃壤fertile soil; rich soil
- 窜逸无踪To skulk without trace
- 玻沃Bouveault
- 气体从管子里逸出。Gas escaped from the pipe.
- 沃岛fertile islands
- 奔逸脉running pulse
- 沃顿轻蔑地耸耸肩。Wharton gave a contemptuous shrug of the shoulders.