- 他们拿出自己的退休金供儿子上大学。They sacrificed their retirement savings in order to enable their son to attend college.
- 款paragraph
- 我能不能把我的另外一份退休金计划中的金额转到我的自愿额外供款帐户里呢?Can I transfer my benefits from another pension scheme into my AVC account?
- 没收供款forfeiture of contribution
- 退休金retirement pay
- 扣款deduct money
- 应收帐款receivables
- 供款contribution
- 应收账款receivables
- 她以一点退休金为生。She lived on a small pension.
- 狭长的口子是供投硬币用的。A slit is provided for the coin to drop through.
- 帐款funds on account
- 账款funds on account; credit
- 尾款remaining fund
- 回款returned money
- 可供计算退休金的服务pensionable service
- 长款surplus
- 应付账款accounts payable
- 可供计算退休金的年薪annual pensionable emolument
- 此款this kind of