- 连续的uninterrupted
- 多美丽的晴天啊!What a beautiful sunny day!
- 连续的晴天.a long progression of sunny days
- 五月的晴天闪了电A flash slides across the sunny sky of may
- 不连续的incontinuous
- 带有连续的凹槽;以前的通过在凹槽内旋转唱针再现音乐的装置。a disc with continuous grooves; formerly used to reproduce music by rotating as a phonograph needle tracked in the grooves.
- 那是一个美好的晴天。It is a nice day.
- 太阳循环24小时的晴天空间Fair space weather for solar cycle 24
- 水砣绳间距标示通过测深锤上连续的标记估计出来的以英寸计量的距离A distance estimated in fathoms between successive marks on a sounding line.
- 我们希望肯定会有几星期的晴天。Let's hope we're in for a few weeks of sunny weather.
- 讲故事讲有趣的故事或连续的故事To tell an entertaining tale or series of tales.
- (尤指昆虫的)营营声,嗡嗡声;(尤指混杂的)模糊而连续的声音Humming sound, esp of an insect; indistinct murmur, esp of many voices
- 那是一个非常暖和的晴天。It was a very warm sunny day.
- 连续的炮击彻底毁坏了前沿的大片农田。Continual shelling laid waste vast areas of farmland all along the front line.
- 威廉姆斯太太:今天是个喜人的晴天。How's the weather today? Mrs. Williams: It seems to be a nice day.
- 世纪基督教纪元以前或以后的相连续的每个百年的时间段Each of the successive periods of100 years before or since the advent of the Christian era.
- 昨日有十二小时的晴天, 预报却说仍有雨.We had twelve hours of sunshine yesterday, as against a forecast of continuous rain.
- 它们放出不连续的辐射能量。They give off discrete amounts of radiant energy.
- 恩,现在普利茅斯这里是个美丽的晴天。Well, it's a beautiful sunny day here in Plymouth.
- 轮流连续的或循环的In succession or rotation.