- CURRENT USER返回一个包含当前连接的用户ID的字符串。CURRENT USER returns a string that contains the user ID of the current connection.
- 而下面的语句将更改应用于PUBLIC用户ID,即所有用户所属的用户组。However the following statement applies the change to the PUBLIC user ID, a user group to which all users belong.
- 您确定要由所有连接资源切断所有与%1共享连接的用户?Are you sure you want to disconnect all users connected to the %251 share from all connected resources?
- Java客户端证书认证将证书域中的第一个属性映射到用户注册表中的用户ID。Java client certificate authentication maps the first attribute of the certificate domain name to the user ID in the user registry.
- 创建缓存对象的连接的语言ID。ID of the language of the connection that created the cache object.
- 应用程序不应该要求在使用网格上的不同资源时使用不同的用户ID映射机制。The application should not depend on the fact that different user ID mappings may be used across the different resources in the grid.
- 在执行触发器时,连接的系统进程ID(SPID)。The System Process ID (SPID) of the connection when the trigger executed.
- 指定当前连接的用户登录时间超时后,是否强制注销已启用Network security: force logoff when logon hours expires
- 口令必须是提供的用户ID的正确口令。The password must be the correct password for the user ID you supply.
- 缴款资料档案中的交易代码释义见于可下载的用户指南。The meanings of the transaction codes in the billing data file can be found in the downloadable User Guide.
- 使用正确的数据库名、用户ID和密码、主机名以及端口号。Use your correct database name, user ID and password, hostname, and port number.
- 远程客户端连接的中断通常是由用户点击STOP按钮导致的。A remote client disconnect is usually caused by the user hitting his STOP button.
- 例如,使用Fred以外的用户ID。For example, use a user ID other than fred.
- 获取或设置要为基本身份验证和简要身份验证发送的用户名。Gets or sets the user name to send for basic authentication and digest authentication.
- 统一消息服务器已收到在ID为“%2”的呼叫上断开用户“%1”的连接的请求。The Unified Messaging server has received a request to disconnect the user "%251" on the call with ID "%252".
- grantee接收权限的用户ID的用户号。Grantee The user number of the user ID receiving the permission.
- user_id对其应用该选项设置的用户号。User_id The user number to whom this option setting applies.
- grantor授予权限的用户ID的用户号。Grantor The user number of the user ID granting the permission.
- 随着访谈的进展,如果数据显示存在一开始没有识别的用户类型,可能需要安排新的访谈。The hypothesis serves as the basis for initial interview planning; as interviews proceed, new interviews may be required if the data indicates the existence of user types not originally identified.
- 通过连接ID连接的用户。The user connected through connection ID.