- 怨blame
- 违to disobey
- 自怨自艾repent one's errors
- 以德报怨repay injury with kindness
- 有违against
- 报怨avenge a grievance
- 如此的不诚实有违个人的本性。Such dishonesty goes against the grain.
- 我们遭此惨败怨谁呢?Who do we have to thank for this fiasco?
- 这与他的意愿相违。It was against the grain with him.
- 与其成怨偶,不如守单身。Better be half hanged than ill wed.
- 不要违命!Do not disobey !
- 我对他无怨无仇。I have no rancor against him.
- 知照毋违To hereby inform you and do not disobey
- 无怨blameless
- 重违尊意How dare I disobey your will
- 怨怼resentment; enmity
- "到头来,依旧是风尘肮脏违心愿.好一似,无瑕白玉遭泥陷""To end, despite herself, defiled on the dusty road--even as flawless white jade dropped in the mud."
- 不许有违。No infringement will be permitted.
- 他以怨报德。He recompensed good with evil.
- 违误disobey orders and cause delay