- 视频video
- 视频会议技术在远程医学中的应用Video conference technology and its application in telemedicine
- 多点远程视频会议网multi-point remote video conferencing network/multi-point remote video conference network
- 基于EWS的电力远程视频监控系统设计Design of Power Remote Video Surveillance System Baseed on EWS
- 用应用层组播技术解决小规模多点视频会议中的关键问题Solve the Key Problems in Multi-party Video Conferencing by Using the ALM-technology
- 远程视频监控系统(RVMS)Remote Video Monitoring System (RVMS)
- 视频会议技术Video conference technology
- 远程视频传输在交通监控中的应用分析An Analysis on the Application of Long-distance Video Frequency Transmission used in Traffic Supervision
- 桌面视频会议desktopvideoconferencing
- 数字视频会议digital video meeting
- 主体视频会议stereo video conferencing
- 视频会议终端terminal of video conference
- 视频会议软件video meeting software
- 国家发展改革委员会全国计划系统纵向视频会议改造与完善工程National Development and Reform Committee: China Nationwide Planning System Longitudinal Video Conference System Reconstruction and Consummation Engineering Project
- 群组视频会议系统GVCS Group Video Conferencing System
- 全互联视频会议full-mesh video conference
- 智能视频会议系统KB Intelligent Video Conferencing System
- 多点视频会议系统MPVCS MultiPoint Video Conferencing System
- 多媒体视频会议Multimedia video frequency conference