- 大伯husband's older brother; brother-in-law
- 大家都叫他毛大伯。Everybody called him uncle Mao.
- 远房distantly related
- 大伯,你有可乐果吗?Do you have kola nuts?
- 远房表亲a remote cousin
- 远房表兄a remote cousin.
- 深夜,王大伯的胃病又突然发作了。Late at night,Uncle Wang's stomach trouble flared up again.
- 大伯,你儿子在巫婆的符咒之下!Your son is under the spell of witches!
- 远房的shirttail
- 他是我的远房表亲。He is a distant cousin of mine.
- 他就是我们常常念叨的张大伯。This is the Uncle Zhang we're always talking about.
- 他是我的远房堂兄。He is a distant ciusin of mine.
- 客家社会大伯公信仰在东南亚的发展Development of Grand Uncle Belief of Hakkas Society in Southeast Asia
- 远房兄弟cater cousin
- 论《汤姆大伯的小屋》中的女性主体意识On Subject Consciousness of Women in"Uncle Tom's Cabin
- 远房堂兄弟a distant cousin.
- 艾伯特大伯在乡下过着清静的幸福生活。Uncle Albert lives a life of unclouded happiness in the village.
- 远房表兄弟姐妹second cousin
- 李大伯喜欢别人读给他听,但这次他不喜欢了。Grandpa Li loved being read to, but this time he doesn't love to be read to.
- 远房堂兄弟/姑母/亲戚a distant cousin/aunt/relative