- 她很亲热地视他晚安,同他走到门口,从那儿可以看到焦煤镇的灯火,把远处照得亮堂堂的。She gave him an affectionate goodnight, and went out with him to the door, whence the fire of Coketown could be seen, making the distance lurid.
- 她很亲热地视他晚安,同他走到门口,从那儿可以看到焦煤镇的灯火,把远处照得亮堂堂的。She gave him an affectionate goodnight, and went out with him to the door, whence the fire of Coketown could be seen, making the distance lurid.
- 远remote
- 这就降低了远地访问的成本,提供了比在拨号线上更大的安全性。This reduces the cost of remote access and offers greater security than is possible over dial-up lines.
- 视在apparent
- 联系人与另一方有定期商务联系的人,尤指远地商务联系人One that has regular business dealings with another, especially at a distance.
- 视在功率apparent output
- 安全地without accident
- 远的distant
- 相反地by contraries
- 功率因数功率因数是电路中有功功率(W)视在功率(A)间夹角的余弦值。Power Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the actie power( kW) and apparent power( kA) in a circuit.
- 主动地on one's own initiative
- 积极地energetically
- 功率因数功率因数是电路中有功功率(W)视在功率(VA)间夹角的余弦值。Power Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the active power( kW) and apparent power( kVA) in a circuit.
- 成功地triumphantly
- 详细地minutely
- 不停地ceaselessly
- 两路脉冲输出,一为有功功率,二为无功率或视在功率,带频率编程功能。Two pulse outputs, one for active power and the other selectable between reactive and apparent power with programmable frequency.
- 渐渐地bit by bit
- 准确地well and truly