- 远东Far East
- 一只山雀唱着歌向空中飞去。A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing.
- 劳埃德丛山雀Lloyd's bushtit
- 山雀色mesange
- 远东地区the Far East Area
- 山雀属Parus
- 远东百货公司?Far Eastern Department Store?
- 杂色山雀Parus varius
- 从远东进口的劣质商品受到英国进口商的鄙视。Shoddy goods imported from the Far East are held cheap by British importers.
- 绿背山雀Parus monticolus
- 送我到远东电影院好吗?Could you take me to the Far East Cinema?
- 沼泽山雀Parus palustris
- 远东慕尼黑阴谋Munich scheme in the Far East
- 黄腹山雀Parus venustulus
- 远东战争策源地Source of War in the Far East
- 黑冠山雀Parus rubidiventris
- 这是一个美国与日本争夺远东霸权的会议。It was a struggle between the United States and Japan for hegemony in the Far East.
- 一只长尾山雀飞落在树枝上。A long-tailed tit alighted on the branch.
- 远东时间Far East Time
- 红头长尾山雀Aegithalos concinnus