- 进气支管垫片air inlet manifold gasket
- 进气支管air intake branch
- 抽气支管suction branch
- 故障描述(原因):检测到进气歧管压力传感器信号电压值高。Fault Description(reason): High voltage detected at intake manifold pressure sensor signal pin.
- 放气支管outlet branch
- 气smell
- 进气歧管压力控制燃油喷射系统manifold pressure controlled fuel injection system
- 进气entering air
- 支管manifold branch
- 进气压力inlet pressure
- 压力支管unit penstock
- 进气系统induction system
- 支管压力损失系数coefficient for branch loss
- 进气压力畸变inlet pressure distortion
- 进气压力曲线admission pressure curve
- 进气歧管induction manifold
- 多级进气压力multiple-inlet-pressure type
- 进气压力传感器Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
- 进气压力-气缸的intake pressure
- 积洼是全部燃料蒸发得不充分和进气歧管类似影响的结果。The pudding results from the failure of all the fuel to vaporize and from the sorting effect of the intake manifold.