- 费wasteful
- 米兰计划征收车辆进城费以减少污染米兰市政府发言人于周五宣布,该市正计划实施一项新的车辆入市费以缓减交通拥堵和空气污染的状况。Milan plans new vehicle toll to rid the smog Milan plans an entry toll on vehicles to reduce congestion and air pollution, a city hall spokeswoman said on Friday.
- 快递费express fee
- 报关费customs charges
- 费率rate
- 他们进城去看芭蕾。They went downtown to see a ballet.
- 人工费cost of labor used
- 续费continue to pay dues
- 他进城去看医生。He went to town to consult his doctor.
- 年费yearly payment
- 报名费entry fee
- 仓储费warehouse fee
- 安装费mounting cost
- 租费rent charge
- 码头费pierage
- 咨询费consulting fee
- 物业费property fees
- 滞港费demurrage charge
- 通行费pike
- 空运费air freight