- 财政部、国家税务总局关于免征饲料进口环节增值税的通知Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on exempting forage and feed from value added tax on importation
- 财政部、国家税务总局关于农药和农药原药免征进口环节增值税问题的通知Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, on the issues concerning exempting imported pesticides and pesticide materials from value added tax on importation
- 从1998年1月1日起,中国对国家鼓励和支持发展的投资项目的进口设备,兔征关税和进口环节增值税。Starting on January l,1998,the Chinese government has exempted equipment imports for foreign-funded projects encouraged by the state from import tax and VAT.
- 从今年1月1日起,中国对国家鼓励和支持发展的投资项目的进口设备,兔征关税和进口环节增值税。Starting on January l, 1998, the Chinese government has exempted equipment imports for foreign-funded projects encouraged by the state from import tax and VAT.
- 加工贸易项目,根据加工合同进口外商提供不作价设备,除《外商投资项目不予免税的进口商品目录》所列商品外,均免征关税和进口环节增值税。For processing trade projects, if enterprises import unpriced equipment offered by their foreign business partner, according to their contracts, they will be exempted from duty and VAT, except those listed in the atalogue of Imported Products of Foreign Investment Projects not Exempted from Duties?
- 第六十五条进口环节海关代征税的征收管理,适用关税征收管理的规定。Provisions on levy of customs duties shall be applicable to the administration of levying of import links duties levied by the customs on behalf of another.
- 进口环节import link
- 进口环节海关代征税taxes by the Customs on behalf of other government departments for import goods
- 节目环节programme segment
- 病案质量管理的五个环节Five Link of Health Records Quality Management
- 网络教学中应把握的几个环节The links to be grasped in network-based teaching
- 国产零件取代进口零件。Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.
- 医用氧气质量控制的几个关键环节The key Job for Quality Control of Medical Oxygen
- 增值税一般纳税人税负界定Determination of Tax Obligation for Value Added Tax General Taxpayer
- 含滞回环节机电控制系统的数值仿真Numerical Simulation of an Electromechanical Control System Including Hysteresis
- 政府打算降低进口汽车的关税。The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.
- 这女人是我们团队中的薄弱环节。This woman is the weak link in our team.
- 增值税开票价格对交易双方账面利润的影响研究The influence of add-valued tax invoice price on the profit of both sides
- 这个国家进口许多外国产品。This country imports many foreign manufactures.
- 钢铁工业是社会主义生产的主要环节。The iron and steel industry is the key link in socialist production.