- 这简直是奇迹.It's a fair miracle.
- 我们能够及时赶到, 这简直是奇迹。It is a positive miracle that we arrive on time.
- 那个人在遭雷击之后居然幸存下来,这简直是一个奇迹。That the thunder-hit man was able to survive was contrary to nature.
- 这this
- 我们能够及时赶到,这简直是奇迹.It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time.
- 你要吉姆借钱给你,这简直是痴心妄想,他的钱甚到不够他自己花呢。You're flogging a dead horse by asking Jim to lend you money-he hasn't even enough money for himself.
- 这简直是一席盛宴。It was a veritable feast.
- 你在底特律得到的那批订货简直是奇迹!That order you got in Detroit is simply marvelous!
- 这简直是勒索。It's nothing but a blackmail.
- 这简直是火上加油。This was a red rag to the bull.
- 简直是奇迹的变化a transformation that was little short of miraculous
- 对于小国莱索托,面向欧美市场的制衣业是它仅有的工业,这简直是灾难。In tiny Lesotho, where making clothes for Europe or America is the only industry around, this has been catastrophic.
- 这简直是不成比例,少的可怜!It is simply disproportional and so meager that it is pitiful!
- 导游: 是的,他们的工作简直是奇迹。Yes, their work is marvelous. And in Suzhou there are other historical sites.
- 你连这句话在书的哪部份都不知道,我们怎么找得到呢?这简直是大海捞针。How can we ever find the quotation if you don't even know what part of the book it comes from?It'll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
- 这简直是乱弹琴。That's a lot of nonsense.
- 她拒绝见我, 这简直是侮辱我。It is a bit of a slap in the face when she refuse to see me.
- (“国家”这个词指的是美国还是得克萨斯,这简直妙不可言,太不明确了。)(Whether the term "nation" was a reference to the United States or Texas was wonderfully ambiguous.)
- 简直是灾难啊!我们明天得给总部打电话,告诉他们这的情况。他们会气疯的。What a disaster. We'll have to phone head office tomorrow to tell them what is going on. They'll be furious!
- 我们能够及时赶到,这简直是奇迹。It was a positive miracle that we arrived on time.