- 这画出自名家之手.This painting is the work of a master hand, ie a superior and skilful artist.
- 杰出的水墨技法与古琴技艺无不出自名家之手。折服无数中外人士。绝对可以作为划时代的见证。The outstanding ink and wash technique and lute playing skills compel admiration from people of the East and West, and possess epoch-making significance.
- 这幅画出自临模家之手.This painting is by a copyist.
- 这幅画出自齐白石之手。This picture was drawn by Qi Baishi.
- 这this
- 看这款识,就知道这幅画出自大师之手。On first sight of the signature, you know that it was painted by a grand master.
- 这画是原作,其他的是复制品。This is the original painting, and these others are copies.
- 这篇文章文辞妙丽,一定是出自名家之手。This article is beautiful and smart in diction, so it must be written by a famous master.
- 这画没有我原本想得那么好。The painting was not as good as I had expected.
- 你把这画弄得一团糟。You've made a terrible hash of that painting.
- 酒店整体设计出自法国名家之手,建筑宏伟隽逸,气派非凡。Hotel overall design from the hands of the French masters, the grand source Plaza building, land extraordinary.
- 这画是他所收藏的画中最珍贵的一幅。This painting is the jewel of his collection.
- 这画没什么价值。The painting was of little value.
- 那这画绝指的就是The picture is a copy of Guan Gong's likeness
- 他们准备伸出友谊之手。They were ready to hold out a friendly hand.
- 这画是拉斐尔作品的摹本。This picture is a copy from Raphael.
- 他向我伸出了救援之手。His help arm stuck out to me.
- 这画不合比例,轿车比房子还大。This drawing isn't in proportion; the car is larger than the house.
- 名家之手a master's hand
- 你如果用一个不结实的钩子,这画就挂不住。The picture won't stop up if you use one of those weak hooks.