- 这电池是废的.This battery is a dud.
- 这电池是废的。This battery is a dud.
- 这this
- 这电池需要充电了。The battery needs to be charged.
- 它是简单到想硬的做和可能它是硬的为你到掌握同你们的贫困的智力的指数。简直是废到经典It is easy to think hard to do and maybe it is also hard for you to understand with your poor iq
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 也是废奴运动的参加者.was also a participant in the movement to end slavery.
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 这边的hither
- 电池是一种用来产生电量的装置。An electrical cell is a device that is used to generate electricity.
- 在这方面in this respect
- 在这期间during time
- "确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。""There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
- 这般like this
- 1949年之后,在政府的帮助下,农民开始着手改变这一局面。After1949, with the help of the government, the peasants set out to change this picture.
- 这希西家岂不是废去耶和华的丘坛和祭坛,吩咐犹大与耶路撒冷的人说你们当在一个坛前敬拜,在其上烧香吗?Did not Hezekiah himself remove this god's high places and altars, saying to Judah and Jerusalem,'You must worship before one altar and burn sacrifices on it'?
- 5点之前做完这项工作是轻而易举的事。Get this job do by five o'clock will be a cinch.
- "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的压力,要他们接受这批劣质原料。"That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- 啊!天气真好!这是拜访客户的好日子。Oh, what a nice day! It's a good day to make call on some customer.
- "我是这公司最棒的秘书。" -- "我才不信呢。""I'm the best secretary in the company." "Says you."