- 这是一个强烈的对比。This is a strong contrast.
- 这是一个强烈的对比.This is a strongly comparation.
- 对你来说,这是一个十分重要的决定,仔细考虑一下吧。It's an important decision for you, so take your time to think it over.
- 这是一个美丽的国家,它有许多大的湖泊和郁郁的丛山。It's a beautiful country with many large lakes and green mountains.
- 这是一个很严重的问题,我不能轻易放过。It was so serious a matter that I could not pass it over.
- 他们的礼物原封不动地被退了回来,他们感到这是一个羞辱。They felt that it was a slap in the face when their gift was returned unopened.
- 对他来说,这是一个新的工作,有好几天他都不知所措。The job was new to him and for several days he was at sea.
- 这是一个很有意思的平面布置图,请指给我哪里是地下室。This is an interesting floor plan. Please show me the basement.
- 我们在晚会上要装扮得像电影中的角色,这是一个多么新奇的主意啊!We are supposed to dress up as movie characters for the party, what a novel idea!
- 他们要在英吉利海峡上架一座浮桥,这是一个不太切合实际的计划。They had some feather-brained scheme to float a pontoon bridge across the Channel.
- 该文件在法律上有约束力或这是一个法律上有约束的文件。This document is legally binding or it is a legally binding document.
- 这是您和劳拉的大好消息!从各方面看,她是一个非常好的女孩子。我祝贺你们幸福。That's great news about you and Laura! She's a wonderful girl in every way, and I congratulate you on your good fortune.
- 这是一个关于干旱与太阳黑子活动周期有关的令人感到有趣的理论。This is an intriguing theory that droughts tie in with the sunspot.
- 对于一项非常简单的技术来说,这是一个很绕口的缩写词。That's a mouthful of an acronym for a very simple technology.
- 他看见一个微小的球在空气中悬浮着--这是一个“浮动油滴。”He saw a tiny ball simply hanging in the air: a "floating oil-drop".
- 经过三年的努力,恢复到现在的状况,这是一个重大的成绩。That these three years of effort have restored our economy to the present level is in itself a major accomplishment.
- 这是一个困扰我们的问题,而且不仅仅因为它产生直接影响。This is a matter that troubles us not only because of its immediate impact.
- 这是我民领教过的文件拓展名,是一个非常好但不适于网络新手。Rolling Dice: This was the tut I learned off of. Very good tut but not very noob friendly.
- 这是一个在泳池边、海边和湖畔享受“奢华”生活的季节。It's a luxe life by the pool, at the ocean and on the lake this season.
- 这是一个好计划,不过当地人的反对可能成为一大障碍。It's a good plan, but the opposition of the local people may be a stumbling block.