- 这就是事实.It's a simple fact.
- 事情真是令人尴尬;我要倒霉了,这就是事实。Here's a pretty how-d'ye-do; I'm in for it now, that's a fact.
- 我必须强调这样一个事实,这就是她只不过是个小女孩。I must emphasize the fact that she is only a little girl.
- 这就是事实。It's a simple fact.
- 我认为这就是整个争论点的关键所在了。I believe this is the crux of the whole argument.
- 我们终有一死,这就是生活的现实。We must all die some time: that's just a fact of life.
- 我们曾经有很多可能但是我们错过了也许,这就是事实We were supposed to be but we lost it may be that's the truth
- 这就是那个在孩提时代曾经被人寄养过的妇女。This is the woman who was once adopted as a baby.
- 我们说加强人民民主专政,这就是人民民主专政。This is what we mean by strengthening the people's democratic dictatorship.
- 从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence.
- 这就是说把成人体重的增加限制在11磅以内。That means restricting adult weight gain to less than 11 pounds.
- 这就是为什么在那时候较难订到机位。That is why airline seats are difficult to secure during that time.
- 从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence.
- 这就是准备一些可以安全容纳并分析病毒的虚拟机器。The machine is set up to contain a "virtual computer" within which the virus can be safely con- tamed and studied.
- 杰里米找到了工作,不是因为他是个具有竞争力的候选人,而是因为他是董事长的儿子,这就是事实的真相!Jeremy got the job because he was the chairman's son and not because he was the best applicant,but that's life!
- 我认为很明显的这就是中心意义所在。I think it is fairly clear that this is what the central meaning must be.
- 这就是富于同情心的保守主义的精髓,也将是我的政府的基石。This is the essence of compassionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration.
- 这是事实,没人有百分之一百的把握。这就是为什么我没法肯定地说我们将从你那儿买得更多,尽管我希望多买。That's true. Nobody can be 100 percent certain,and this is why I can't say we will definitely buy more from you,although I wish to do so.
- 这就是许多不学无术之徒也登堂入室,当选议员的原因。This is one sure way of electing ignorant and incompetent men as senators.
- 这是事实,洛杉矶就是个例子,尽管它努力地要给自己打造一个充满活力、见人爱的心。That is true, for instance, of Los Angeles, despite its efforts to give itself a beating, lovable heart.