- 这家商店价格过高.The prices in this shop are extortionate.
- 这家商店价格过高。The prices in this shop are extortionate.
- 这家商店的价格高得离谱。Prices are exorbitantly high in this shop.
- 买家们在这辆车的款式上不能达成协议,另外价格过高也是个麻烦事。Buyers couldn't come to terms with the car's styling, and its high price proved a bitter pill.
- 这家商店瓷杯缺货。The store is shy on porcelain cups.
- 这家商店经营旧衣服。The store deals in secondhand clothes.
- 这家商店销售各式各样的衣服。This shop sells garments of all kinds.
- 这家商店经营纸张文具。This shop handles paper and stationery.
- 这家商店在廉价出售多种甜食。Many sweet foods are on sale in the store.
- 这家商店出售各种型号的彩色电视机。This store sells a wide range of TV sets.
- 日夜服务是这家商店的特色。Round-the-clock service features this store.
- 这家商店经营运动服装和器具。The store deals in sporting goods.
- 这家商店顾客盈门。The store was a scene of great activity.
- 我找不到这家商店。I cannot locate the shop.
- 窃贼们一小时内就把这家商店洗劫一空。The thieves cleaned out the shop in an hour.
- 这家商店出售土特产品。This shop sells native produce.
- 最近几年这家商店的生意每况愈下。The store's business has been on the downgrade for the past few years.
- 这家商店出售各种形状的铜器皿。The shop sells copper vessels of all shapes.
- 这家商店出售针织品。This shop sells knitwear.
- 这家商店的服务总是很慢,那些女孩子都很懒。The service in this shop is always slow; the girls are very lazy.