- 这家公司成立於1860年.This business was established in 1860.
- 这家公司成立於1860年。This business was established in 1860.
- 这家公司成立于1860年。This business was established in 1860.
- 这家公司成立于二十年前。The company came into existence 20 years ago.
- 再生会成立於1991年,是一个非牟利,无宗教,无政治背景的康复团体,致力推广健康知识及为长期病患者提供多元化服务。Regeneration Society, established in 1991, is a non-profit organization and recognized charitable body that promotes the prevention of health problems and helps people who are chronically ill to become self-reliant.
- 这家公司成立于1860年.This business was established in 1860.
- 搬家公司remover
- 这家公司由于击败了主要的竞争对手,即将垄断整个小麦市场。By defeating their main competitor this firm will corner the wheat market.
- 9年来这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。The company doubled its size in nine years.
- 这家公司的多数雇员是北方人。Most employees of the firm are from the north.
- 公司成立于1999年1月18日。The joint venture company was founded on January 18, 1999.
- 他们想方设法占有这家公司。They used every stratagem to acquire the company.
- 有一份公司成立简章和一份公司章程。it has a Memorandum and Articles of Association.
- 这家公司花费了数千英镑,来推销他们的新旅游服务项目。The company spent thousands of pound to launch a new travel service.
- Fleissner Nonwovens两合公司成立Fleissner Nonwovens GmbH & Co. KG Established
- 尽管有其他的协议,我们仍将与这家公司签订一份新合同。Notwithstanding any other agreements, we will make a new contract with the firm.
- HW公司成立于1996年,年双班生产能力1.5万吨。HW Company was founded in 1996. The production capacity is 15,000 ton per year.
- 这家公司垄断了香烟业。This company has monopolized the cigarette industry.
- 这家公司销售各种家用器具。The firm markets various kinds of household appliances.
- 位于美国俄克拉荷马州图尔萨市的美国百麦公司成立于1937年,其创始人为歇尔夫妇。Founded by the Marshall family in 1937, the Bama Companies located in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the United States.