- 这些帐单已逾期未付。These bills are overdue, ie should have been paid before now.
- 这些帐单已逾期未付.These bills are overdue, ie should have been paid before now.
- 我桌上有张未付的帐单。There is an unpaid bill on my table.
- 这些帐单加起来正好一百元。The bills add up to exactly %24100.
- 根据我方会计部门的数据,贵公司订单编号4512廿万元台币的款项,自九月一日起便已逾期未缴纳。According to our Accounting Department records, your payment of NT%24200,000 for your P/O%234512 is overdue since September 1.
- 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。Please charge these bills to my account.
- 你方账款仍未结算,已逾期一个月了。Your account remains unsettled, and it is already a month.
- 结果表明 :(1)浙江慈溪二化螟 3龄幼虫对杀虫单已产生高水平抗性 (RR =5 4 6 ) ,对杀螟松产生了中等水平抗性 (RR =13 9) ,对敌敌畏和氰戊菊酯仍较敏感 ;Results showed that:(1)In Cixi County,Zhejiang Province,high level resistance was developed to monosultap(RR=54 6),median level to fenitrothion(RR=13 9),but susceptibility still remained to DDVP and fenvalerate.
- 他们未付旅馆帐单就溜走了。They jumped the hotel bill.
- 银行恢复营业时,对于在营业中断期间已逾期的信用证,不再进行承付或议付。A bank will not, upon resumption of its business, honour or negotiate under a credit that expired during such interruption of its business.
- 我必须在付款前检查和核对一下这些帐单。I must look through these bills and check them before I pay them.
- (法新社汉城二十四日电)国际货币基金会(IMF)一名官员对南韩消费信用和信用卡逾期未付款项的激增表示忧虑。(Agence France-Presse, Seoul, 24th) - An International Monetary Fund (IMF) official expressed concern about South Korea's surging consumer credit and credit card delinquency.
- 原子核的单粒子模型one-particle model of nucleus
- 政府会根据用者自付原则,收回签发挖掘准许证及进行街道审核巡查的行政费用。The government will charge a fee to recover the administrative cost for issuing excavation permits and carrying out audit inspections in streets, according to the User-pays principle.
- 如果我们留心的话,这些帐单本就会按时付讫的。We were on the ball, the bills would have been paid on time.
- 逾期未获付款的帐项一件,本日已移交我公司顾问律师处理。Respecting our overdue account, we have today placed the matter in the hands of our solicitors.
- 国际货币基金会驻汉城代表古伦华德昨天说,南韩经济可能遭到家庭贷款的激增,和信用卡逾期未付款项的比率上升所破坏。IMF's representative in Seoul, Paul Gruenwald, said South Korea's economy could be undermined by surging loans to households and the increasing rate of credit card delinquency.
- 帐户发票,帐目,帐单(已付或所欠钱的记录)Invoice a record of money pay or owed
- 欠帐未付的,逾期债款或未履行的职责。An unpaid, overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation.
- 我已不再为如何付帐单的事操心了。I've got past caring how to pay the bills.