- 这不是争论的时候。This is not a time for contention.
- 我们处境很困难,现在不是争论的时候。We're in trouble; it is no time for contention.
- 这不是争论的时候.This is not a time for contention.
- 我注意到当他盯着她瞧的时候她有点发抖,这不是好兆头。I observe she trembles a little when he fixes his eye on her, and that is no good sign.
- "有些孩子很粗野,我们做这不是闹着玩的,所以要小心。""Some of the boys are tough, and we're not any of us doing this for fun. So watch your step."
- 我们处境很困难,现在不是争论的时候。We're in trouble; this is no time for contention.
- 这不是恐慌的时候.This is no time to panic.
- 这不是让政治经验不足的人当国务卿的时候。This is no time to have a political ingenue as secretary of state.
- 那封信上有他的亲笔签名,他很难否认说这不是他写的。As the letter was under his signature he could scarcely deny having written it.
- 这不是公众假期,不会有浓厚的节日气氛。It is not a public holiday, and you will not see much festival spirit.
- 这不是件工作量大的活儿,需要增加它的工作量。It isn't a large piece of work, and needs fattening out.
- 但是,这不是说百花齐放、百家争鸣可以不利于安定团结的大局。But this doesn't mean the policy can be implemented in ways detrimental to the overall interests of stability and unity.
- 当你看恐怖片的时候是如何克服害怕的:我就一直想这不是真的。How do you overcome the fear when you watch the horror movie?: I keep thinking this is not real.
- 这不是一种几十年都能够平稳而顺利地发展的工业。This is not an industry that would rock along quietly from one decade to the next.
- 这不是削弱党的领导,而是更好地改善党的领导,加强党的领导。This does not weaken but improves and strengthens the leadership of the Party.
- 这不是指意识形态争论的那些问题,这方面现在我们也不认为自己当时说的都是对的。I don't mean it was because of the ideological disputes; we no longer think that everything we said at that time was right.
- 很遗憾,我们只得将这批货退回,因为这不是我们所订的货。We regret to have to return these goods to you because they are not what we ordered.
- 党离不开人民,人民也离不开党,这不是任何力量所能够改变的。The Party cannot do without the people and the people cannot do without the Party -- and no force on earth can alter this fact.
- 我确信这不是大自然的鬼斧神工,而是一个巨大的人工雕像。I believe this is not a mere freak of naure but a gigantic monument.
- 跟对方解释一下这不是针对某个人,而是你的一条原则。Explain that this isn't personal,it's just a rule you have.