- 还是早点儿走好.It would make sense to leave early.
- 还是早点儿走好。It would make sense to leave early.
- 我们还是早些动身为好。我们要考虑到路上交通会有耽搁。We'd better start earlier. We should allow for traffic delays.
- 还是早点走好。It would make sense to leave early.
- 走to walk
- 今天我要去车站接我表哥。我可以早点儿走吗?I'm going to meet my cousin at the station. May I leave a little earlier today?
- 看到他制服上的肩章,我们觉得还是躲着他点儿比较好。Looking at the flash on his uniform, we decided it would be wise to avoid him.
- 我今天下午早点儿走,明天补上这段时间,可以吗?Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
- 如果她自甘落后,我们还是早点知道的好。If she is so perfectly determined to compromise herself, the sooner one knows it the better.
- 我最好还是快点儿走。I'd better be on my way(= I must leave)soon.
- 不过当前最重要的还是选好接班人。But the crucial task before us remains the selection of worthy successors.
- 现在是早,以后可就不会早啦。做事拖拉就是浪费时间。Time enough,now,but maybe not enough time later.Procrastination is the thief of time.
- 如果咱们不快点儿走,就要赶不上通勤车了。Let's hurry, or we're going to miss the commuter bus.
- 她还是唱得好的嘛。She sings well,though.
- 因为大家知道,以国民党这样的作风,失败是早晚要来的。It has been clear to all that,acting the way it has been doing,the KMT would certainly meet its doom sooner or later. is doubtful how much affection Lee Teng-hui did have for his party.
- `你有没有现金?还是我们用信用卡呢?'`用信用卡吧。'`Have you got any cash or shall we use plastic?' `Put it on the plastic.'
- 你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
- 你不要净给我平淡无味的爱情,你要是那样,就请走好了。Don't you offer me tame love, or away you go!
- 开调查会人多好,还是人少好?When we hold inspection meetings,should many people or few people attend it?
- 我想还是坐出租车回去的好。I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home.