- 还原(v) restore to the original state
- 麦芽糖maltose
- 还原的reductive
- 还原性reducibility
- 麦芽糖醇maltitol
- 还原反应reduction reaction
- 氧化还原REDOX
- 麦芽糖酶一种用以催化麦芽糖水解成葡萄糖的酶An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose to glucose.
- 还原糖reducing sugar
- 氧化还原反应redox reaction
- 还原酶reducing ferment
- 整形术的,还原成形术有关对身体缺失部分进行还原的外科手术的Relating to the surgical restoration of a lost or absent part.
- 间接还原indirect reduction
- 还原炉reducing furnace
- 氧化还原电位oxidation-reduction potential
- 氧化还原电势redox potential
- 半还原的semi reducing
- 贝尚还原Bechamp reduction
- 氧化还原聚合redox polymerization
- 土壤氧化还原性oxidation and reduction properties of soil