- 还more
- 根据你的谈话,我还以为你是个外国人呢。I presume from your speech that you are a foreigner.
- 上周末,我的车被偷了,起初我还以为是兄弟会的恶作剧。My car was stolen last weekend. At first I thought it was some kind of fraternity prank.
- 我还以为我能洗掉衬衫上的污迹。I thought I could soak out the dirty mark on my shirt.
- 我原来还以为他是巴克斯特引荐的,是容易合得来的人。I also thought, considering that Noah brought him in, he was a team player.
- 我开始还以为我们会输呢。I thought we were going to lose at first.
- 我还以为。I thought Max would be crying, and everybody would be awake.
- 我还以为是。I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell.
- 他上当受骗还以为她是个好人。He had been deceived into thinking that she was a good person.
- 他还以为我不知道那件事呢。He thought I didn't know that.
- 我自己还以为我很有经验哪。I thought I was very experienced.
- 我还以为你是跟?I thought you stayed home with Robbie?
- 我还以为你喜欢爵士音乐。I think you like jazz.
- 今晚上我想来想去,还以为我可以不费多大劲就使他回心转意呢。I persuaded myself this evening that I could fetch him round without any great amount of effort.
- 我们还以为你会在这儿待下去哩。We expected that you would stay on here.
- 我还以为你们有不少共同兴趣。I thought you had a bond of common interest.
- 我还以为是病毒。I thought it was a virus.
- 我还以为你要着手开办自己的公司呢。发生了什么事,你不敢了吗?I thought you were going to open your own business. What happened, did you get cold feet?
- 我还以为你不来了.I thought you weren't coming.
- 我还以为你已离开这里到都柏林去了呢?I supposed you had beetled off to Dublin.