- 返祖倾向.an atavistic urge
- 返祖倾向/本能;返祖性畏惧an atavistic urge/instinct/fear
- 返祖throwback
- 在某些动物身上好几代之后还有返祖的倾向。There is a tendency in some animals to throw back for several generations.
- 返祖恢复到从前的类型或祖先的特征A reversion to a former type or ancestral characteristic.
- (事物运动或变化的)趋向,倾向,趋势Direction in which sth moves or changes; trend
- 返祖的atavistic
- 完美主义对于任何不完美或未达到最高标准的事都有不满意的倾向A propensity for being displeased with anything that is not perfect or does not meet extremely high standards.
- 他的新杂志有无政府主义倾向。His new magazine has anarchic tendencies.
- 我倾向另一观点。I incline to another point of view.
- 返检return to examination
- 能力倾向treatment aptitude
- 返祖体表现出返祖现象的个体或部分An individual or a part that exhibits atavism.
- 鲍勃有爱夸张的倾向。Bob has a tendency to exaggerate things.
- 剥离工祖stripping face
- 因为有一自称目击者的人提供新的证据,所以嫌疑犯被送返监狱候审。The suspect was remanded in custody because someone who claimed to be a witness offered some new evidence.
- 边际消费倾向marginal propensity to consume (MPC)
- 茶祖Tea ancestor
- M型返波管M-type backward-wave tube
- 自己主义的倾向a drift towards liberalism