- 于是我就真的匿了进去吓同事,怎料匿在入面等,但同事一直都未返来,结果匿了半个小时。Then I really went inside and waited for my colleagues to come back. But after half an hour, nobody came, and I was in there for such a long time.
- 返to return (to)
- 多年来for the past many years
- 用来be used for
- 返老还童feel rejuvenated
- 来看(v) interpret a topic from a certain point of view
- 由来origin
- 来这里come here
- 拿来bring
- 回光返照a sudden spurt of activity before collapsing
- 新来的newcome
- 来料supplied materials
- 年来over the last ... years
- 向来always
- 来客(n) guest
- 来人messenger; the one who came
- 来吧come on
- 几年来for the past several years
- 来年next year
- 如来Buddha