- 迈克尔 斯威夫特准将Brigadier Michael Swift
- 迈克尔Michael
- 准将brigadier
- 上校级别低于准将。A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.
- 斯威夫特乔纳森·斯威夫特, Jonathan Swift
- 斯威夫特作品选The Writings of Jonathan Swift
- 这场会谈对于迈克尔很有好处,使他不再顾虑自己的事。The interview served Michael the good turn of taking his thoughts of himself.
- 我叫斯威夫特。My name is Swift.
- 其他参赛者知道,如果一开始让迈克尔依靠太多的话,他们就追不上了。The other racers knew they couldn't catch Michael if he got too big a head start.
- 斯威夫特先生,您要的餐台有了。Mr. Swift. I have a table for you now.
- [英]空军准将an air commodore
- 迈克尔站起身来,又倒了一些白兰地。Michael got up and helped himself to more brandy.
- 斯威夫特和他的电力Tom Swift And His Electric Locomotive
- 美国准将US Brig. Gen.
- 迈克尔一步两个台阶奔上楼去。Michael went up the stairs two at a time.
- 乔纳森·斯威夫特Jonathan Swift
- 派遣至澳洲担任此项特殊任务者,为前陆军部长哈来准将。The man we sent to Australia to head up this particular effort was a former Secretary of War, Brigadier General Hurley.
- 在世界各地流浪了几年之后迈克尔终于在家乡教起书来。After knocking about the world for a few years Michael landed up teaching in his home town.
- 斯威夫特(swift,JonathanSwift
- 上校,美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队中校之上准将之下的军衔a commissioned rank in the U.S. Army,Air Force,or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general