- 出现的第一个问题,即介质拥挤,是因为局域网有太多的工作站,产生了过大的信息流。The first problem -- media congestion -- crops up simply because there are too many stations on the LAN generating too much traffic.
- 过大的锁模力会使模具以及模腔产生不必要的变形,影响成型品的精度。An excessive clamping force distorts the mould and the mould cavity unnecessarily, affecting the precision of the moulded part.
- 一过性Q波Fugacious Q wave
- 过(surname)
- 云南白药对非血运重建急性Q波心肌梗死患者伴有室壁瘤的影响The Influence of Yunnan White Drug-powder On the Patients with Non-blood Circulation Reconstruction Acute Q-wave Myocardial Infarction and Ventricular Aneurysm
- 斜度过大的屋顶an overpitched roof
- I、aVL、V__5、V_6导联Q波消失对急性下壁伴右室心肌梗死的诊断价值Q wave disappearance in I, aVL, V_5 and V_6 leads for diagnosing right ventricular involvement in acute inferior myocardial infarction
- 过大的东西尺寸过大的微粒或物体An oversize article or object.
- 非梗塞Q波noninfarction Q wave
- 坏死性Q波Necrotizing Q wave
- 试论贫富差距过大的负面影响On Negative Effect of the Gap between Poverty and Affluence
- 瞬间异常Q波TAQW; transient abnormal Q waves
- 与常规RRW算法不同 ,算法使用关键点信息 ,在对小波系数进行特征量化时 ,对关键点取较小的Q值 ,对非关键点取较大的Q值 .In the quantization process of improved method,if the watermark point is key point,then use larger quantizing parameter Q to quantize wavelet coefficient,else use smaller Q .
- 当前收入差距过大的原因与对策On the Causes of Current Inappropriate Large Income Differences -Analysis and Solution
- 急性Q波心肌梗死Q-wave AMI Patients Without Reperfusion
- 有Q波的室性早搏ventricular premature beat with Q wave
- 防爆电动机起动电流过大的分析Fault Analysis on the Over-rated of Starting Current of Explosion-proof Motor
- 结论:正常人头胸导联心电图较常规心电图较少出现右胸假性异常Q波。Head-Chest leads ECG is a useful tool in discriminating the pseudo Q wave in right chest leads.
- 取得那些成就是否遇到过大的困境?Were there any special difficulties you overcame in achieving these accomplishments?
- 急性非Q波心肌梗塞的临床特征The Clinical Characteristics of Acute Non-Q Wave Myocardial Infarction