- 世界经济论坛是一个独立的国际机构,又称“达沃斯论坛”。The WEF is an isolated international committee, and it is also called "Davos Forum".
- 股市暴跌,恐慌性降息,再加上一场大规模的银行欺诈,是此次达沃斯论坛召开的背景。The meeting took place against a background of crashing stock markets, panicky interest-rate cuts and a massive bank fraud.
- 在达沃斯世界经济论坛与我们见面Meet with us at the World Economic Forum in Davos
- 达沃斯有着悠久的滑雪传统。Davos boasts a long skiing tradition.
- 作为达沃斯会议的补充,世界经济论坛每年还召开很多地区会议。In addition to the Davos meeting, the WEF holds a number of regional meetings each year.
- 达沃斯,欧洲最大的高山度假胜地,带给你难忘的自然感受和无穷的乐趣。Davos,the largest mountain resort of Europe,offers unforgettable natural experiences and a broad range of delights.
- 人民论坛tribune of the people
- 20世纪90年代初,达沃斯就已赢得了滑雪板运动胜地的声誉,年复一年,名声越来越大。By the beginning of the 1990's,Davos had already gained a reputation as a snowboarding Mecca,a reputation which has grown with every passing year.
- 江汉论坛Jianghan Tribune
- 《英语沙龙》从2003年1月起介绍了一些瑞士著名景点,如少女峰、达沃斯。English Salon has introduced some most famous Swiss scenic spots,such as Jungfrau and Davos since January 2003.
- 民族论坛Nationality Tribune
- 人口论坛Population Tribune
- 普里姆重复了比尔·盖茨去年在达沃斯的言论,认为“人才大战”才刚刚开始。Echoing Bill Gates'comments at Davos last year,Mr. Priem said that the "war for talent" was just beginning.
- 铂金论坛!Platinum Forum - powered by Discuz!
- 任何喜爱田园般的恬静生活而不喜欢繁华市中心浮躁喧嚣的人,都会在达沃斯广阔的野外大自然的中心找寻到平静与安宁。And anyone favouring the tranquil idyl over the agitated life in the thriving center,will find peace and quiet at heart of nature in the wide Davos outdoors.
- 乡镇论坛Tribune of Villages AND Townships
- 论坛联盟A League Of A Forum
- 远景论坛VistaFans Forum - powered by D.
- 海归论坛?What the heck is going on?
- 论坛公告I would like to apologise to all forum members