- 辽宁Liaoning province, China
- 舰warship
- 补给舰depot ship
- 辽宁大学Liaoning University
- 海军机械军士长在舰上机械室中协助机械军官的准尉军官A warrant officer who assists the engineering officer in the engine room of a naval vessel.
- 辽宁工程技术大学Liaoning Project Technology University
- 星舰迷航Star Trek
- 辽宁鼓乐Liaoning wind and percussion ensemble
- 驱逐舰已用舰上五英寸口径的巨炮对该处进行了彻底的轰击。Destroyers had worked over the point with their five-inch guns.
- 其母系辽宁人。His mother is a native of Liaoning.
- 舰桥bridge
- 今日辽宁For the Dream of Rejuvenation of Liaoning
- 安装在船舰、飞机或汽车上的计算机、无线电设备或其它复杂的系统。Computer, radio, and other complex systems which are to be installed on ships, planes, or motor vehicles.
- 辽宁蝗虫Grasshoppers and Locusts from Liaoning
- 废舰scrap warship
- 这一带属辽宁地面。This region is within the Province of Liaoning.
- 测量舰surveying vessel
- 船舰vessel
- 后续舰Succeeding Ship
- 靶舰target ship