- 辣椒香精油capsicol
- 香精essence
- 辣椒糊chilli paste
- 香精油essential oil
- 非常辣的圆锥形辣椒,有特别的辛辣味。very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency.
- 食用香精flavor composition
- [医] 辣椒Capsicum annuum L.
- 所有辛辣的辣椒属果实。any of various pungent capsicum fruits.
- 百草香精grass bouquet perfume compound
- [医] 辣椒属Capsicum L.
- 香草香精vanilla extract
- 晚饭是内有填充物的辣椒,没人想吃。We were having stuffed peppers that nigh and nobody wanted to eat them.
- 日化香精essence for household and personal care chemicals
- 辣椒泡鱼Pickled Grass Carp with Red Chilli
- 香精或香料A perfume or scent.
- 辣椒干dry pepper
- 草莓香精strawberry essence
- 辣椒田pepper fields
- 杏仁香精almond flavour
- 辣椒嫩鸡Braised Chicken with Dry Red Chili