- 伦尼的脸辗然露出高兴的笑容。Lennie's face broke into a delighted smile.
- 毛骨悚然的thrilling
- 辗roll over on side
- 孜然羊肉Fried Lamb with Cumin
- 未然possible trouble
- 这台机器把麦粒辗压成面粉。This machine crushes wheat grain to make flour.
- 潸然in tears; tearful
- 我的儿子差点被大卡车辗过。My son came near being run over by a truck.
- 他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。He threw his books down with a slam.
- 尽然entirely so
- 当她母亲回家来告诉她,她的狗已被车辗死时,这个可怜的小姑娘痛哭起来。The poor little girl cried her heart out when her mother came home and told her that her dog had been run over.
- 岿然lofty
- 阿塞尔辗轧机Assel mill
- 摆动辗压rotary forging
- 戛然loud cry of a birds
- 轮胎辗过时把小石子弹了起来。The tires kicked the little stones up.
- 防患未然take preventive measures
- 摆动辗压法swinging die method
- 他的邻居当着他的面把门砰然关闭。His neighbor slammed the door in his face.
- 摆动辗压机swinging die press