- 载荷load
- 有效载荷actual(service) load
- 有和锤头相对的宽刃的短柄斧。a short-handled hatchet with a broad blade opposite a hammerhead.
- 静载荷quiescent load
- 给锤头安上柄to shaft a hammer
- 动载荷moving load(ing)
- 一头有阔刃另一头是锤头的手斧。a hatchet with a broad blade on one end and a hammer head of the other.
- 额定载荷rated load
- 锤头座hammexhead socket
- 冲击载荷impulse load
- 超载过量或过重的载荷或负担A load or burden that is too full or heavy.
- 安全载荷safety load
- 骤加载荷sudden load
- 导弹有效载荷导弹弹头所带的炸药当量The explosive charge carried in the warhead of a missile.
- 安定状态载荷shakedown load
- 安全工作载荷safe working load
- 安全容许载荷safe allowable load
- 安全载荷因数safety load factor
- 按持续载荷计算的continuously rated
- 保险载荷proof load