- 载着香蕉的驳船.a barge freighted with bananas
- 市场充斥着香蕉。The market was glutted with bananas.
- 踩着香蕉皮而滑倒slip on a banana skin
- 载year
- 着catch
- 卸载uninstall
- 这只船装载着香蕉和橘子。This boat was cargoed with bananas and oranges.
- 加载to load
- 运压舱物的驳船ballast lighters
- 用棒推进;例如水中的驳船。propel with a pole; of barges on rivers, for example.
- 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life.
- 活着alive
- 远处海洋上的驳船An ocean barge passing in the distance
- 麻蕉原产于菲律宾的一种类似香蕉的植物(蕉麻芭蕉属),其长茎上有宽阔的叶子A bananalike plant(Musa textilis) native to the Philippines and having broad leaves with long stalks.
- 月亮升起的时候让我们架着乡村马车载着爱与梦想回归心灵的故乡When the moon is rising up We are driving a carriage in the village With love and dreams To return to where the heart and soul is
- 最后一批起飞的是攻击机,他们载着普通炸弹和常规制导导弹。The last of planes were attackers carrying bombs and guided conventional munitions.
- 当他正开着装满香蕉的卡车He was driving a lorry load of bananas
- 汽车载着他们飞驶而去。The car whirled off them away.
- 水流载着原木盘旋而下.The log was swirled away downstream by the current.
- 汽车载着他行驶了500英里以後抛锚了.The car had carried him 500 miles before it broke down.