- 轻信广告的人.credulous people who believe what the advertisements say
- 虚假广告欺骗消费者,而且严重地对轻信广告的人们的生命构成威胁。Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatens gullible people's lives.
- 他们是一些轻信广告的人。They are credulous people who believe in the advertisement.
- 虚假广告欺骗消费者,而且严重地对轻信广告的人们的生命构成威胁。Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatens gullible people's lives.
- 的人bluesman
- 电脑玩家能熟练地使用电脑或进行电脑编程的人;电脑爱好者One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.
- 不要轻信广告上说的每一件事。Don't swallow everything the advertisements say.
- 讨厌的人gadfly
- 可爱的人darling
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 现在并不是有许多人轻信广告。Nowadays not many people are credulous to believe what the advertisements say.
- 亲爱的人dear
- 约翰?泰勒试图说服他为这种与众不同的薄荷糖做广告的时候,John Tailor tried to persuade him to advertise the unique mints
- 在课堂上,她是个认真听讲的人。She is a good listener at class.
- 在治疗中不要轻信广告,选择有特色的专科医院做有效治疗!Do not want credulous ad in cure, hospital of choice distinctive specialized subject makes effective treatment!
- 心爱的人the light of one's eyes
- 我懂得语言中心这个行业,我也有拟成功的广告的特别才华。I know the business of language centers.I also have a special talent for drafting successful advertisements.
- 他是个有个性的人。He is a man of individuality.
- 可怜的人miser
- 喂,我是BrucePhillips。 我找taylor女士,是有关广告的事情。Hello, this is Bruce Phillips . I am calling for Mr. Taylor in advertising .