- 聚类树Fast search tree
- 关于一类树的优美性On the Graceful of a Class of Tree
- 海阔天空as boundless as the sea and sky
- 一类树图谱半径的界Bounds on the Spectral Radius of A Type of Tree Graphs
- 阔wide
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- 类树图亏格分布的单峰性Unimodality of Genus Distribution for Tree-Graph
- 软体software
- 软键soft keys
- 树袋熊koala
- 胺类amine
- 树种tree species
- 软胶soft gum(s)
- 聚类分析cluster analysis
- 柠檬树lemon
- 软肋weakness
- 软皮buff
- 灵长类Primates
- 种树plant trees