- 最近公布的经济数据好坏参半,但整体而言,我们依然相信各国政府将偏向实行软著陆政策。Recent economic data has been mixed, but on balance we continue to believe that the soft landing scenario remains the most likely outcome.
- 日上调基准利率。委员会成员认为这项措施有助进一步引导经济软著陆,有利香港的货币稳定。Members were of the view that this measure should further help guide the economy to a soft landing, which would be conducive to monetary stability in Hong Kong.
- 著outstanding
- 我们是不著陆的连续飞行呢,还是要在中途的什麽地方停一停。Be this a continuous flight, or do we stop off anywhere.
- 我们是不著陆的连续飞行呢,还是要在中途的什麽地方停一停?Is this a continuous flight, or do we stop off anywhere?
- 软肋weakness
- 变软soften
- 穿著wear
- 我们马上就要(在盖特威克机场)著陆--请大家系好座位上的安全带。We shall be landing (at Gatwick airport) shortly please fasten your seat-belts.
- 欺软怕硬bully the weak and fear the strong
- 马陆diplopod
- 中软CS&S
- 著手leadoff
- 雪在雨中变成软糊状。The snow turned to mush in the rain.
- 著色stain (ed)
- 飞行员在雾天盲目着了陆。The pilot made a blind landing in the fog.
- 所有带软斑点的苹果都被剔除。All apples with soft spots were rejected.
- 我的衬衣领子是软的。My shirt has a soft collar.
- 著迷trance
- 软交换soft switch; softswitch