- 软色调的soft
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- 淡绿的色调a paler shade of green
- 软体software
- 专色调配spot - color matching
- 软键soft keys
- 色调失真|灰度畸变tonal distortion
- 双色调人物肖像绘画Craig Nelson Drawing Duotone Portrait
- 软胶soft gum(s)
- 半色调图像质量评价研究Study on the quality evaluation of halftone image
- 软肋weakness
- 数字半色调技术及网屏原理Technique of digital halftone and screen resolution
- 软皮buff
- 用色调分离底片制作丝网版画Serigraph Printing with Color Separated Master Film
- 东软Neusoft
- 全羊毛地毯的一个特点是色调高雅,One feature of the wool carpet is plain and tasteful in colour.
- 这幅画的冷色调与其他画截然不同。The cool hue in the picture is distinct from the other ones.
- 变软soften
- 软蛋jelly fish